Community Outreach in STEM

Riverside Research is committed to supporting science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM) education in our communities and is proud to provide STEM outreach to a variety of academic institutions and organizations. We aim to encourage students to develop an interest and skills in STEM fields, as they represent the next generation of our scientific and technical workforce.

GEM interns with robot

GEM Fellowship Program

Riverside Research also partners with the National GEM Consortium’s GEM Fellowship Program, which supports underrepresented students at the master’s and doctoral levels in engineering and science.


Dayton Early College Academy

We’re honored to be associated with the Dayton Early College Academy (DECA) as it pursues its mission of preparing “future college graduates today to become the leaders of our community tomorrow.” DECA is an open-enrollment, high performing public charter school serving 1,300 students K-12 who live in Dayton's most underserved communities, with the vast majority of graduates being the first members of their families to attend college. Riverside Research has hosted DECA students, teachers, and administrators for tours of our laboratories and have provided in-class career presentations.

USGIF Ken Miller Scholarship logo

Ken Miller Scholarship for Remote Sensing Applications

Riverside Research proudly sponsors the Ken Miller Scholarship for Remote Sensing Applications via the United States Geospatial Intelligence Foundation (USGIF). Through this award, master’s students intending to pursue a national intelligence career in geospatial intelligence can pursue related educational goals.

Fresta Valley Robotics Team

Fresta Valley Robotics Team

Riverside Research is a proud sponsor of the 2024 Fresta Valley Robotics Team (Team 1731). Through this sponsorship, we have the opportunity to support young robotics enthusiasts who compete internationally to level up their hardware assembly and programming skills. 

This sponsorship enables the Fresta Valley team to gather robotics materials, build, and travel to competitions, while providing technical mentorship and encouragement along the way. Our commitment to the nation includes encouraging young minds in research and technical fields. In turn, we’re inspired by the team’s drive to iterate, innovate, research, and win.

Interns sitting at a table


Innovation requires diverse perspectives, including those seasoned professionals and subject matter experts and young professionals with recent academic experience and fresh ideas. 

Our intern program offers real-life, hands-on experience to undergraduate and graduate students as they work across several of our business units on diverse and challenging projects. Interns work under the mentorship of subject matter experts and have opportunities to learn from other parts of the organization through regularly scheduled lunch and learns.

Students at STEM event

STEM Events

Riverside Research is proud to sponsor amazing events that encourage students to explore STEM topics and inspire the next generation. These events include WashingtonExec's 2019 K-12 STEM Symposium at Nysmith School in Herndon, VA, and the 2022 Techstravaganza at Thomas Jefferson High School in Alexandria, VA, for hands-on demonstrations.

Questions about Community Outreach in STEM