Riverside Research, a leader in cyber security open architecture solutions with a proven track record in the defense and intelligence community, has received a multi-year award from DARPA.
Along with its teammates, Boston University, High Peaks Cyber, and BedRock Systems, Riverside Research will perform work under DARPA's Hardening Development Toolchains Against Emergent Execution Engines (HARDEN) program.
The HARDEN program aims to develop practical tools that will prevent exploitation of integrated computing systems by disrupting the patterns of robust, reliable exploits used by attackers, and depriving the attackers of emergent execution engines.
"This effort is significant because it enables us to develop technology that will have a broad security impact on DoD Open Architectures," said Dr. Mike Clark, Associate Director of the Secure and Resilient Systems Group at Riverside Research.
Riverside Research will aid in achieving DARPA's goal through the automatic translation of emergent vulnerabilities and system software into Universal Composability for Preventing Adversarial Composition Techniques (UC-PACT) Domain-Specific Language (DSL) as well as the translation of Sensor Open Systems Architecture (SOSA) specifications to UC-PACT DSL.